How to get married according to the bible is an issue that most of us single women desire knowledge of. More so for us single mamas who have either been in bad marriages and are trying to do it right this time or generally those trying to get it right the first time.
So as Christians, when we want to have knowledge about any subject matter what do we do? We refer to the bible, for what it says about that topic. As the bible is our literal manual, I remember it being called Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth in my younger days.
So because of this what DOES the bible say about marriage? How are we as disciples of Christ supposed to marry?
I have all the answers to these questions from the biblical perspective of How to get married according to the bible below.
Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.”
1 Corinthians 6:16
This Bible verse about marriage between man and woman teaches us how to get married according to the bible.
The Bible says that when you are joined to a prostitute you also become a prostitute. This means that whoever you marry you are joined to them both physically and spiritually. And you become who and what they are.
This is where the concept of soul ties comes from. When two are joined together they become one flesh. And the bible says that what God joins together let no mans separate.
So my dear sis, listen to this. When you pray for a husband or when you commit to marriage please make sure this man is clean.
And I do not mean clean only in terms of diseases or drugs. Not that it is not important. But more so in terms of their walk with Jesus.
Believe it or not when you marry someone who has demons, especially demons of sexual perversion. This will really affect your marriage as well as your own Spiritual life.
You will have first-hand exposure to those unclean spirits by being joined to a man who is demonized.
This is why it’s best to both undergo premarital counseling as well as deliverance so that you are both free and are starting from a clean slate.
Because like the bible said, you will become who that person is. So best to be with a good man so that you also become a good woman right?
Bible verses about marriage between man and woman
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.
An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.
Proverbs 31:10
These Bible verses about marriage between man and woman tell us how to get married according to the bible. They explain that a man is the one who finds a wife, and when he does then he does a good thing and will be favored. Because a wife, like any good gift, comes from God.
So the main point here from a female perspective is that a man must find a wife, a good one at that. Because a good wife makes him receive favor from God.
So as women, how do we get found by men?
Ladies, you must position yourselves to be found by the men that you desire. The man must find you, he must search and desire and make an effort to find you. But you can’t be found if you are couping yourself up in your house.
We must set ourselves up for success by going to the places where our targets will be. In this case, the men that we desire can be found at church (hopefully), in Christian communities, or on Christian dating sites.
When we are in church we must serve so that we stand out for the right reasons and ultimately our Boaz can locate us.
Also, the word wife does not refer to any woman who can get married, because frankly speaking any woman can be married by any man.
But if you desire a godly husband like I imagine that you do then I am sure that you also need to be a godly wife that the godly man can find worthy to be a wife.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
This Bible verse about marriage between man and woman goes on to support the fact of rightly positioning yourself to be found by the typical man that you desire. And this way highlights to us how to get married according to the bible.
You want to be with an equally yoked man lest they drag you back to your old ungodly habits. Sis, you want to find a man who is the priest of your house.
A man who will guide you and the children in the ways of God. So the best and most successful way to be found by an equally yoked man is positioning yourself where that ideal man can be found.
Do not allow the devil to tempt you to settle for just any man in the hope that you are the one that will change him to be the godfearing man that you desire.
It is more stressful to commit to a man as a wife as well as the one that will change him. News flash- you can’t change anyone.
Only God can change people. So save yourself, respect yourself, and do not allow pressure to lead you into settling with the wrong person in the hopes that you will change them.
Remember that the bible forbids divorce. So because of this, it is better to do this right the first time. Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your life praying for another grown person. Instead of growing your own spirit as well as praying for your kids.
Ephesians 5:33
However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Ephesians 5:33
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
Ephesians 5:22-33
Ladies, these Bible verses about marriage between man and woman reveal the role of women in marriage. Our role is to submit to our husbands in EVERYTHING, to help as well as respect them.
This is the role of the wife biblically. I know that we are living in the 21st century where the world says that men and women are the same.
The world says that both parties are equal, there are no gender roles, and so forth. But we are talking about how to get married according to the bible, and what the bible says about marriage.
When you are ready to do marriage God’s way, not the world’s way. When you are ready to ignore your worldly family and friend’s remarks about your submission. And be ready to stand ONLY on the word of God. Then yes go on ahead and start praying for that husband.
So knowing what you are getting yourself into is very essential for us ladies. Especially when you want to do it in God’s way.
Luke 14:28 says
“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?”
Count the cost of marriage before deciding to do it. Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with that person, to grow old with them? Are you ready to share your life with someone else? To submit to a man and be a wife that the bible says you should be. Are you ready to be someone’s rib the way the word says concerning how to get married according to the bible?
Being married is not just the ceremony but it is the life afterward and it really does take a lot to stay in a marriage and make it work.
So before the decision, go do all the research that you can. Research what the word of God says and know what you are getting yourself into. Make sure you know how to get married according to the bible.
If you have all the info that you need and still maintain that you want to get married according to the bible then it’s okay to proceed.
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him-a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
This is a favorite Bible verse about marriage between man and woman on how to get married according to the bible. This shows the benefits of marriage.
It shows that it is God’s desire for us to be with someone. It is God’s desire that we spend our lives with someone who will help us in all the things of life.
As a single mom myself I can attest to the difficulties of doing life alone. It is not easy. Thank God for strength and provision and overall guidance.
But it really can get tough I’m sure all my single sisters with babies can attest to that. It means you have to pay all the bills by yourself. It means that you have to go to all the school activities, everything is basically on you.
Sometimes you need help but when you are alone it’s just you. Imagine being with a partner to help you take care of things. How amazing life will be right.
God desires that we not be alone.
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Genesis 2:18
So my darling, next time when you are on your knees praying. Please use this verse on how to get married according to the bible, to remind God. Stand on this truth that God, you said it’s not good for man to be alone.
I don’t want to be alone. Come through for me. I am ready. Lead my paths to my Boaz.
What does God say about finding a husband?
Amos 3:3
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
This bible verse about marriage between man and woman highlights the basis of a good or rather sustainable marriage and how to get married according to the bible.
A good marriage in this case is when two people are walking together. Here the bible tries to educate us about How to get married according to the bible. It shows that for a couple to walk together they must be in agreement.
They must be on the same page. Sadly, according to this bible verse about marriage between man and woman, the key to a successful marriage is not only love.
Be agreed is the word be compatible. Compatibility measures the degree of agreeableness between 2 people.
Two will walk and work together if they are compatible. No matter how much you love each other but if you are not compatible it will not work. Lack of compatibility will cause problems in your marriage.
Compatibility must be in all aspects of life. You must agree about finances, parenting, beliefs, religion, family, and every other aspect that affects your life.
Never marry someone that you are not compatible with. And do not think that you will compromise on the things that mean the most to you. Or expect them to also compromise on the thing they care about.
So sis, even if you don’t hear from God or even if God does not confirm your choice, when you find someone that you are compatible with it’s OK to proceed and marry them.
That way you are almost guaranteed that your marriage will stand the test of time.
House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.
Everything else in life you can get by your own might, or from the help of parents. But a good wife this bible verse about marriage between man and woman says that it comes from God.
Only God can give you a good partner. No luck, nothing else.
You must involve God in your relationship from the start. God must approve or disapprove. Your eye alone is not able to discern but God is the one who can help you know if the one you think is the one is indeed the one.
Spend time in prayer and fasting for confirmation from the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will lead you on how to proceed.
God always has ways that he speaks to us. Seek him and he will reveal all the deep and hidden things before you make a lifelong mistake.
Isaiah 30:21
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
“This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left.
The Holy Spirit is still in the business of guiding and directing people who seek his Counsel. Seek the leadership of the Holy Spirit in choosing the husband and be open to accepting whatever he reveals to you.
The Holy Spirit may reveal that this person is indeed the one or that he is not. He can do this in many ways- giving you peace, he may use someone to prophesy to you. He may tell you in dreams and many other ways.
However, the prophetic is not the primary channel with which God uses to find a spouse. The Bible is not clear that marriage choices must always come from God when it talks about how to get married according to the bible.
But does God reveal spouses to people? Of course, he does, depending on two things.
The first way that God can reveal a spouse to you is especially for those people who have a high level of intimacy with him. To those people who know the voice of God and are sensitive to it.
If you are someone who is surrendered enough to yield to anything that he says, take or not to take the wife that you have been assigned and you will accept with no dispute then God will reveal your spouse to you.
Some of you ladies date a man and you know the holy Spirit is telling you to stop but you ignore him and keep going. Because of selfish carnal desires. That type of person will not adhere to the leading of the Spirit of God.
But if you are surrendered and vow to do whatever God tells you, even if you don’t understand then God will reveal so many things to you.
The second circumstance that God will reveal a spouse depends on the nature of your call. Your call may require that you marry a specific type of person. God will not allow you to marry any type of a person if you have a calling like in ministry.
He will give you a spouse that will help support and not derail your call.
We must not always have to wait for God’s probings unless like I said when it has to do with your calling. In that case, God will be involved in the choosing, lest your choice brings you down and affect your call and your purpose.
Don’t just wait for “God’s timing” because of the fact that God already said to be fruitful and multiply means he wants you to do this while you are still fruitful. So do not wait forever thinking that God wants you to marry when or that he will show you your husband.
It’s up to you when you are ready. God’s timing is when you are ready to be a godly wife, a godly mother, and everything else. So don’t over-spiritualize things but when you are ready go for it!!
If you believe that you have trained yourself to be a good wife and are prepared, that God has worked in you to make you a good spouse who will honor, respect, and submit to their husband, go ahead.
But it’s best to delay marriage wanting to become a wife, a mother, and a priest first then that is a sign of honor to your husband, your kids, and God. Allow God to work on you first, at the same time he is also working on him.
So good luck to you sis. Pray to God for the perfect husband that comes from him and enjoy!!