Characteristics of a godly man are treasures to single women. It’s important to make the right choice when choosing the godly husband that you want for the rest of your life because you are not allowed to change your spouse. The Bible forbids divorce so make your choice wisely from the start.
And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
Matthew 19:9
Choosing a godly man in the bible with the qualities of a godly man must not be an emotional or desperate decision. It must not be about materialism, loneliness, or pressure from society.
Marriage must be because you are ready for marriage and are willing to do it the biblically approved way.
And the approved way means both the pre-marriage process of courtship as well as the marriage institution itself must be biblical.
So sis, listen you want to have a godly man in the bible for a husband. A man who will support and encourage your calling, as well as your relationship with Jesus, has the qualities of a godly man.
A man who will make you happy and not frustrated and make you wish you were still single.
So for that to happen you must choose and end up marrying a godly man in the bible. A godly man who like David was after God’s own heart.
How then must I know what a godly man in the bible with the qualities of a godly man is like, this is naturally going to be your next question?
Characteristics of a godly man
Fear not daughter of the highest. I have here xx characteristics of a godly man that will help you in selecting and ultimately end up marrying the godly man in the bible that God desires for each and every one of us.
The fear of God
A godly man in the bible must have the reverent fear of the Lord as one of the Characteristics of a godly man.
When we talk about the fear of the Lord we do not only refer to someone who is “a born again Christian”. Most born-again believers are just people who accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior through a prayer they were told to repeat and that’s it. No fruit.
But darling sis the fear of God and faith in God are different qualities of a godly man. Many people believe that God is real, and that’s as far as it goes.
But when looking for the characteristics of a godly man in a relationship remember that one can have faith in God but not fear God.
When you fear God your life is governed by the reference of the word of God. Your decisions must be based on what the word of God says since the word of God is what God wants, expects, and desires of them.
So a man must make the Bible the absolute authority from which all decisions are made. And when he does, that is a characteristic of a godly man in a relationship.
God fearing means to have reverence and respect for God. It means to submit to the word of God as the final authority of all matters- all activities. A godly man in the bible must have scripture back up for every decision that they make in their life.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
Proverbs 9:10
No person is bad, what is bad is doing something against what the word of God says.
So making the word of God the ultimate authority helps people to be able to fear God and have the good qualities of a godly man.
If one is scared to go against the word of God then they will have the fear of God in them.
A real-life example of this in a marriage setup is when both of you want different things and are in a conflict of ideas then you both must give up your wills and refer to the word of God and that will determine what decision will be taken.
The Bible must be the tiebreaker, that helps solve conflicts and make a decision that affects the household and the children.
There is nothing as perfect as a man who submits to EVERYTHING that the word of God says. That man will have awesome characteristics of a godly man in a relationship.
Not to be selective to make it cater to or back up your decisions and or desires. Every decision must be based on the word of God, – parenting, being a wife, being a godly husband, everything that the bible says, you do.
The word of God is not about what works or not, it’s about what God says. If you apply the word of God in your life and it doesn’t work, just continue at it.
Because it’s not about it working or not but it’s about what God says, and that’s all that matters.
Conforming to the word of God results in consistency in relationships, marriage, and everything. The word of God must be your base for parenting and training your kids in the way they must be going.
He must have an earthly authority
Trust me, girl, you don’t want a man who listens to no one. A man who has an earthly authority has the Characteristics of a godly man.
A man who can not accept corrections or advice on the other hand lacks the characteristics of a godly man in a relationship and has zero qualities of a godly man.
Being with such a man is a trap. It’s like sentencing yourself to a prison of some sort.
But a man who has an authority to whom he submits is correctable and is not above reproach.
A godly man who has for example a spiritual father or a pastor or a mentor who he trusts to mediate when there is a misunderstanding then you are good sis.
Because that man has both the qualities of a godly man and the characteristics of a godly man in a relationship.
You already know that when disagreements come and you fail to resolve them between the 2 of you. Then you can rest assured that there will be a third neutral party. Whose recommendations can be acceptable to both of you?
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.
Hebrews 13:17
I have been with a know-it arrogant man who could not be told anything. Whenever you tried to correct him or tell him otherwise then all hell broke loose and that was the beginning of an unending cycle of a back and forth exchange of words.
Until I caved into him, that he was right after all. To be honest that was exhausting and some sort of abuse in all honesty.
So beloved, make sure that your prospective husband has the characteristics of a godly man in a relationship and is not a know-it-all whose decision must always be the ultimate way forward.
If he is like that run girl run. He is not a godly man in the bible and he is not the one that God has for you.
You want a man that has an earthly authority as one of the qualities of a godly man. While we have agreed on the importance of the word of God for conflict resolution.
A godly man in the bible must have an earthly authority who he can instantly submit mostly for the sake of correction.
He must have a passion for you
So this one is by far one of the most important characteristics of a godly man in a relationship that we must seek from a man.
Girl you want to be with a man who loves you more than you love him as a quality of a godly man. Intense passion for you is an essential Characteristic of a godly man. What does it mean for a man to have passion for you?
Oxford dictionary defines passion as
…..strong and barely controllable emotion
……intense sexual love
….an intense desire or enthusiasm for something
Sounds like the feeling that you want your future plus one to have for you right? Girl, me too. You want to marry someone whose desire for you is greater than anything else aside from God.
When someone has a passion for you the world says, “they worship the ground you walk on” and that’s a good quality of a godly man.
That’s how much a man with the characteristics of a godly man in a relationship must love you.
And if they feel this way about you, I assure you nothing under the sun will ever come between you. A passionate man will literally do anything for you. Will do anything to make you happy.
When a man has a passion for you he will never hurt you, he will support you in everything. Sis, you want a man who asks himself daily how he managed to score you. That’s a man with the qualities of a godly man who you want.
Not someone who reminds you daily that you are lucky to have him and how much he is a catch. The catch here my sister is and must always be you if you want the marriage to last and be a happy one.
Passion can not be quenched but lust can. So when you see those old couples that are in their 80s and 90s and are still happy together it’s usually as a result of intense passion rather than lust.
So true and lasting love is mostly based on passion. Passion runs deeper than lust which is mostly for sexual gratification. But when one is passionate about you it’s about you as a whole.
It’s the whole package that he is interested in. your background, your hopes, your fears, your desires everything. He wants to be there for the whole 9 yards.
That’s the man you must walk with down the aisle. Even the Bible commands men concerning how they must love their wives.
“For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her”
Ephesians 5:25 NLT
The word of God describes the way women ought to be loved. In the most intense way. Does it get more intense than someone giving their lives for yours? Of course not. That’s the ultimate level and degree of love.
So if a man doesn’t love you this intensely, this passionately that they would give their life for yours- DONT MARRY HIM. His love for you must be a constant reminder of how much Jesus loves and loved us.
He must be honest and sincere
Honesty and sincerity are Characteristics of a godly man that are qualities of a godly man. Anyone who isn’t honest and sincere is not worth your time, he is not from God.
Someone with characteristics of a godly man in a relationship must be honest about things, must be a man of his word. Must not lie, even tell white lies.
A dishonest man will be a dishonest husband, father, or leader and they will drag you down with them. A man should be open about their situation even if it doesn’t look good at the moment, they must be open.
Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.
Proverbs 19:1
In my culture, they have a saying that an unlying man doesn’t marry- which kinda justifies lies and deception.
It’s given to justify how a man must be deceptive to please and win the love of a woman. But I beg to differ from this saying.
A relationship based on lies will be detrimental to you in the future. Avoid a man who brags about things.
Usually, this bragging comes from a place of insecurity and wanting to seek validation from false representation.
A man telling white lies to impress you must not be tolerated. There is no excuse for lies. Men lie to make their reputation appear suitable but it’s not true and that is dishonesty and it won’t end there.
You don’t want to base your marriage on lies. Your foundation must always be Christ and not lies.
I would choose an honest and open man who is open about their situation from the word go over a man whose lies I will discover after marriage.
He must be teachable
Teachability is another one of the Characteristics of a godly man. Any person who isn’t teachable will drown you and lacks the qualities of a godly man.
Men are egoistic in nature and they think that they know everything and will not listen to anything anyone says let alone a woman.
Someone with the characteristics of a godly man in a relationship must understand that women are a helper that they need to also listen to and weigh in on their aspect.
But if the man is not teachable and does all that he wants then they will lead you into trouble. If you find a man who isn’t teachable, he is probably arrogant and narcissistic and I tell you will not get anywhere with that man in your life.
They will gamble all your assets, they will throw themselves into deals that will be detrimental to your family and the children. The Bible says that women submit to their husbands but it also says that
“Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.””
Genesis 2:18
So based on this, men are the authority of the family. The woman’s helping hand role must also not be overlooked.
So you want to stay away from a man who only expects you to say yes to everything he sees based on the fact that women are to submit to men.
God makes no mistake. When he created women to be helpers he already knew that men could not do it alone without the help of women.
Beloved sister, make sure that your prospective hubby is teachable and will respect your opinion before making a potentially destructive decision that can cost your family everything.
They must be visionary and responsible
Vision and responsibility are Characteristics of a godly man. Please don’t marry a man who has not yet even figured themselves out.
Especially for us single mammas, we have kids and do not want to drag our kids into something that is not consistent and will even traumatize them.
Better to remain alone with your kids in a stable situation than to go with a man you don’t know where they are taking you into.
The man with the characteristics of a godly man in a relationship must be responsible and be able to take care of things. The man must be reliable, dependable someone that will help you in your life not stresses you.
Every woman needs a man with who she will feel secure and protected around. The man must be the man that the bible says that they are. A man must be a man, he must be courageous and emotionally balanced.
We all have seasons of purification where God is removing nasty things that don’t align with the word of God.
And usually, every person must go through this season of singleness where they allow God to work in them and prepare them to be the best spouse they can be.
Obviously, the process of renewal and transformation is a never-ending process but there has to be a stage where you are ready to be a priest and a spouse.
If your man is not there yet, leave him. He needs time to be the best man that he can be for you. Don’t rush to marriage before God removes some of those things from his life that will make him a bad husband to you and your kids.
They must be compatible with you in everything
Compatibility is by far the most important Characteristic of a godly man. Compatibility is in terms of Beliefs, convictions, culture, parenting, spirituality, family, and conflict resolution.
When people do not have the same beliefs they will spend all their lives butting heads and having issues
There is no physical formula for finding a partner but the bible provides a guideline
“Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?”
Amos 3:3
The only way that 2 people can walk together is if they have agreed. And agreeing in this regard is in terms of direction, destination, and the means of getting there
Before you marry you must make sure that your beliefs in terms of what marriage is and must look like, whether you want kids and how you want to raise them.
All these little things that may seem unimportant will be the little foxes that will destroy your marriage if they are not aligned.
So listen, before you marry someone PLEASE stalk about your convictions, values, and beliefs and see if they align
Do not think that you love the person too much you will have to compromise your values for him. Because that won’t work. You will resent him for that in the future
Love on its own is not enough if your values and beliefs are not aligning. You need to have unity of purpose in everything for the marriage to be a success.