Bible verses about surrendering to God have helped me to completely surrender to God. And I pray that as you go through them, you will be encouraged to also surrender everything fully to God.
The act of surrendering to God gives you absolute pe and freedom in your life knowing that someone bigger than you is running the show and already has awesome plans for you.
Blessings of surrendering to God
James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Submitting to God means surrendering to God. This bible verse about surrendering to God means that God and his word become the ultimate authority over all the decisions that you make in your life.
When you submit to God, you vow to do life His way. A person who is surrendered to God does not selectively read or interpret the Bible but takes the word of God literally.
If God says that fornication is a sin for example. A person who is submitted to God will not try to make excuses or deduce other interpretations.
A common example of excuses is when people say. If we are engaged, it’s OK to have sexual relations. Or that we already have kids together so we are married Spiritually.
But that same Bible says otherwise. No sis it’s not OK. I’m telling you people have too many justifications for their premarital sex encounters.
But if the bible says it’s a sin. Who are you to try and explain mop what God meant? Take the word of God literally. Do not add or subtract from the word of God.
The reason why people do this is that they do not want to fully submit. They want to follow the word of God to the extent that satisfies and is comfortable for them.
And that emanates from the carnal desires of our flesh. Which wants a certain part of worldliness to remain. The flesh lusts after worldly carnal passions. And the word of God says that if you walk in the flesh then you can’t please God.
But this bible verse about surrendering to God says that if you submit to God, you will be in a position to resist the devil.
How you may ask?
Like I said earlier, when you fully live by the word of God then you do not actively sin. When you do not sin, you resist the devil. And when you do, resist the devil. He will flee from you.
So if you want to live a life that is devil proof, surrender yourself fully to God. Then you will live a sin-free life that the devil hates. And he will run far away from you.
And when the devil flees from you, those there are the Blessings of surrendering to God.
Romans 12:1
I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Ever wondered, what fully surrendering your all to God means or entails?
Yes, it means to literally give God everything as backed by this Bible verse about surrendering to God. Like when a thief breaks into your house and tells you that if you don’t surrender your house to him he will kill you.
I imagine that you will give him all the passcodes and the keys so that he may do as he wishes. To spare your life and your family’s.
Otherwise, any resistance will lead to him slaughtering your family right?
So the same act of surrender is what it means to surrender to God.
When you surrender to God you give him absolute control of everything about you. Beginning with your body, because it is that one thing that you think that you have control over right?
You must be in a position to say that God, I am giving you everything. My body now belongs to you. My feet will walk to reach nations for your glory.
My mouth will give you endless praises, it will tell people about your mercy. My body will be the home of the Holy Spirit so I will keep it pure.
Sis, respect the Holy Spirit enough to keep his home clean, nice, and tidy. We can do this by living a pure and holy life.
I love that hymn of old which says
Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy
Tried and true
And with thanksgiving
I will be a living sanctuary, for you
randy scruggs & john thompson
This is our call to true worship. We can only truly worship our king by keeping his place of habitation absolutely pure and holy.
That there my love lies is presenting to God our bodies as living sacrifices.
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
I am not sure if y’all are aware that when you give your lives to Jesus at salvation you die to your old carnal and fleshly self and emerge a new creation.
So this bible verse about surrendering to God means that your old nature has died and the new nature that you have is not you- it’s Jesus’.
Only Jesus’ nature is righteous, and the Holy Spirit empowers us daily to live a Christ Like lifestyle that glorifies the Lord.
The only way that you can live a life of surrender is by acknowledging that you are not able to live a godly lifestyle by yourself.
You need Jesus to be righteous. So when you know this you fully surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
He alone can lead you into the way of God and remind you of what Jesus said.
Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
This bible verse about surrendering to God is the key verse behind my ministry here, transformed with grace.
I believe that after salvation, we must allow ourselves to be transformed from that old carnal nature that died with Christ into the new man.
Even if we are in this world, we must not be of this world. Only the Holy Spirit and the word of God can transform us into being like Jesus.
Our ultimate desire as Christians is to be like Jesus. He alone is our Lord, the one who we desire to live like.
Unfortunately, Christlikeness doesn’t come along with salvation. I wish that it did. But we have to work at it.
You and I have to continue to fight our fleshly desires and temptations in this fallen world. We have to continually deny ourselves to live according to what God expects from us.
And when we open up, the Lord will transform us into the express image of His son Jesus Christ.
Bible stories about surrendering to God
Matthew 26:39
And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
This bible verse about surrendering to God is a Bible story about surrendering to God that’s a perfect example of what it is like to submit and surrender fully to God.
Jesus, just before his crucifixion being the man that he was, also reached a weak moment and asked God to spare him the horror that was before him.
He was still 100% man so he also had emotions and could feel pain. He asked God if it was possible that this whole ordeal before him would just pass and he would be spared from the pain.
But praise the Lord, Jesus was fully surrendered to God. He threw in the fact that only if it was God’s desire then let it be.
And because of that, he died and we received eternal life because of that.
So my dear, when you’re fully surrendered to God, it should be all about him.
Because remember that it’s not you that lives anymore but Christ that lives inside you.
So whatever you do must always be his will. As Paul did, always referring to himself as a servant and slave of Christ.
When you are fully surrendered you must become a servant of God. Whatever he says or wants goes.
Even when you don’t understand, even when it’s uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter.
What matters is what your master wants. That there is a bible story of what it means to be fully surrendered.
Examples of surrendering to God
Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
This bible verse about surrendering to God teaches us how to attain this stage of absolute surrender.
As people, we have needs and desires in our day-to-day lives that we are living. For example, as single mamas, we may be praying for husbands.
But the bible says that surrendering to God means not worrying about any of these worldly things. Even if we obviously want it badly.
It means focusing only on God, establishing your relationship with him, and truly seeking him.
Trust that he will add everything you desire.
Just ensure that the first step is to trust in him and believe that all the extra things that we need will come to us.
God wants us to have all the good things in life but we must first establish a foundation on him.
Luke 9:23
And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
This is another one of my favorite bible verses about surrendering to God that is an example of surrendering to God, that is a foundation of my calling.
Sis let me tell you the truth. If you want to fully follow and commit to God, then you must first deny yourself and crucify your desires and wishes.
When you deny yourself you say, not my will Lord but yours. Not my thoughts Lord, but yours. When you fully surrender you need to make an ongoing decision daily.
Like I said earlier, we still live in this world that is full of sin and there is temptation all around us.
But when we make a daily decision to crucify our flesh, to withhold from the flesh the things that it desires.
And focus only on God. Only on what he desires, that is living according to the spirit and not according to the flesh.
Proverbs 23:26
My son, give me your heart and let your eyes observe my ways.
Wow wow wow!! Look at God. This bible verse about surrendering to God is an example of surrendering to God that God wants us to give Him our hearts.
When you fall in love with someone, you say that they have your heart.
This is what the Lord desires from us. He wants us to give Him our hearts.
To fully surrender everything to him. To love him with every bit of our lives.
Luke 14:33
So, therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.
This bible verse about surrendering to God. This provides an example of surrendering to God. Unless you renounce all that you ever knew or thought, then you will not be able to surrender fully to God.
When you hold on to some stuff it’s hard to let go. But when you give everything up then you are left with nothing.
Then you have nothing to lose. But when you have the stuff to lose then complete surrender to God will be difficult.
But the moment you renounce and give up all the ideas, thoughts, plans, and desires then you are left vulnerable.
And the word of God says that God desires a broken and contrite spirit.
And only then will you be in a position to surrender everything for God to take over and take control.
Bible verse about surrendering problems to God
Jeremiah 10:23
I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.
This bible verse about surrendering problems to God teaches us what our relationship with God is like.
Our lives are not ours, God created us for himself the bible says. Because of this, our lives are not our own.
It is God who breathes life into our lungs and it is him who takes that breath away.
So having this knowledge from the prophet Jeremiah’s prayer, we learn that we must not control what is not ours.
We must submit and surrender our lives and problems to God so that he takes control and leads our lives.
The same is true when we have problems. When our lives are fully surrendered to God, the problems that we face are also his.
You must let him take care of them. Because when God takes over, he takes and requires 100%.
He will take care of the good and the bad.
So this bible verse about surrendering problems to God must always remind us to give it all back to him who first loved us.
Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
This bible verse about surrendering problems to God teaches us how to deal with problems and challenges that we face in our day-to-day lives as disciples of Christ.
When you are fully surrendered to God you must be still in faith when problems and troubles come. You must not panic or worry because that is faithlessness.
The word of God says not to be anxious about anything. Because God will always provide and solve whatever issues may be bothering us.
Being still is an act of worship. It is an act of faith. When you are still amid calamities you are communicating that God, I may not understand what is happening, but I trust you.
And I know that you will work it out.
So when you face challenges in life, this bible verse about surrendering problems to God encourages us to be still and know that he is still God.
God is the same God in the valley as he is in the mountains.