Why did God create us in his image?
Why did God create us? Why did God create us in his image? Why am I here? What is my purpose for being here? I know for a fact that at some point, in every ones life, there comes a time when they ask this question.
There has to be more to life than we are currently having. Everyone has asked that question at some point in their lives.
For me it was recently. My friends thought I was having a midlife crisis.
I just questioned everything. Listen, it’s one thing for an atheist to have questions but it’s another for someone who knows God to start having questions.
I remember i started watching Apologetics videos on who is God? Why am i here? At first i felt guilty about researching about God when i have believed in Him my whole life.
But I soon found out that we all will have no rest until we find it in God.
In Him alone is our purpose.
Why did God create the world?
Why did God create the world ? Why did God create us in his image? We all ask. No one can give us the answer except God alone. In his word alone can we find all the answers that we need. We can only find the answer from the creator as to why he indeed create the world.
He could have easily continued his existence with the supernatural beings that he dwells with him in heaven. But no God decided for some reason to create the world. Why did God create the world?
Was God bored, was he lonely? why did God create the world and everything in it? God created the world because he loved us. God is love.What do you do when you have love in your heart?
Love is best expressed towards another object or subject. In that regard, God created the world as an expression of his love to the people that he created, the earth that he created.
God’s love nature is the reason that God created the world and people in his own image. As a mother I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter I could only dream od seeing a mini me. Hoping that she looks like me.
Same reason why God created us, in his own image. Because of his intense love for us.
In my crisis I sought God and His purpose for my life and I found it.
If ever you are asking yourselves, Why did God create us? I have the answers for you.
1. We were created for God’s glory
God created us for His glory. Why did God create us for his glory? He created us so that we can glorify His name. So that we can give Him the glory that He deserves.
God is our Creator. He is ALL powerful, ALMIGHTY and ALL KNOWING. He deserves all the glory and all the honour and all the praise.
Some people may think that it’s arrogant for God to create us just so we can glorify him. So they ask Why did God create us for his glory?
But you dont understand how perfect He is. He is Holy. God is perfect. He is the creator of everything that we see.
There aren’t enough words to describe how much glory He deserves. God created us for his glory because he deserves it.
Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.
Imagine how we relate to modern day kings. Some we even bow down to. As a way of respect and honour.
What about the Almighty creator of heaven and earth? If you are doubting and thinking, Why did God create us? or Why did God create us for his glory? I will tell you why.
God created us for his glory because he deserves all the glory.
Why did God create us for his glory? How much glory does He deserve? It’s not even something we can describe.
If you look at the human biological system, the way the heart pumps blood to the whole body. How the lungs breathe in oxygen. And basically how every cell in our bodies works perfectly to keep the body alive, shows the gloriousness of the Creator.
When you see a Tesla, or any amazing car, you see how outstanding the inventor is, through their creation. You will see how smart their mind works and how intelligent they must be to come up with such an innovation.
So, in this case, looking at our lives, our bodies, everything shows the glory of God.
2. We were created to worship God
The people whom I formed for myself might declare my praise.
isaiah 43:21
Why did God create us to worship him? What does this mean you may ask? Why did God create us you may wonder.
Obviously God desires praise, through praise and worship. Dancing to praise songs, worshipping Him and exalting Him with our mouths because of His power and grace upon our lives.
When you wonder-Why did God create us to worship him We praise God for the salvation that we received through the death of His beloved Son, whom He gave for our sins. Praising and worshipping God is an act of thankfulness.
But, God also expects us to praise and worship him with our lives. Every aspect of our lives must show praise and worship to Him.
A reasonable act of worship is offering our lives as living sacrifices.
Denying ourselves, carrying our cross daily to follow Him.
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
romans 12:1
In the Old Testament, a priest would offer an animal for sacrifice. The fattest, healthiest animal was offered to God and placed on an altar for sacrifice. There they would kill it as an offering that it belonged to God.
Today, God wants us to submit ourselves as living sacrifices. We are no longer being placed on an alter for slaughter but we must become sacrifices in our lives.
Being a sacrifice offered to God means we are God’s. We must live our lives not for ourselves but for God.
God wants us to daily lay aside our own fleshly desires, denying ourselves and living completely for Him. So when the devil starts whispering lies and doubt in your ears and making you doubt your purpose and you find yourselves asking Why did God create us? Why am I here? Remember that your purpose is to live your life for Him alone.
By putting ALL our trust in Him, out of gratitude for the salvation He gave us. By so doing, we are worshipping Him in the acceptable manner.
By asking Why did God create us to worship him, some people assume that is a selfish thing. But Isaiah describes the throne room and how the angels are saying Holy Holy Holy to the Lord in worship.
a million years will go by but they will not stop worshipping God and saying Holy. Because there really is nothing or anyone who is holy like God is.
3. God created us for good works
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
ephesians 2:10
Most people today discount righteousness and Holiness because they attribute it works.
This gospel of grace is being taken out of context by people who believe they can do anything they want as long as they are covered by grace.
This scripture shows that we are a work of art. Carefully crafted to perfection. How can we not be right? We are created in his own image. Of course we are a masterpiece.
But, you may wonder, Why did God create us in this world? The reason God created us was to do good works. To lead righteous lives. To deny ourselves and follow him. To be like Jesus and walk like He did.
‘And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful.’
Titus 3:14
When we don’t do good works, we are unfruitful. This means that we do not serve the purpose for which we are created.
If you plant a tree and it doesn’t produce any fruit, is it serving its purpose? It is unfruitful and the owner has the right to cut it down.
So we want to be fruitful so that our owner does not cut us down. The bible says to be holy like he is holy. We were created in God’s image so we must act in a godly manner to fulfil the purposes for which he created us.
4. God created us to procreate and fill the earth
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Genesis 1:28
God wanted us to give birth and rear descendants so that we will fill the earth. So that we can all enjoy the goodness of His creation.
This is why we must discern that any agenda that goes against procreation is against Gods will for us here on earth. Therefore anything that doesn’t align with God’s word is not from Him.
God wants us to be fruitful and fill the earth.
And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:1
We can see in many instances in the bible, where God gives the instruction to be fruitful and multiply. This is part of our divine destiny. The answer to Why did God create us is simple. To fill the earth. To reproduce after our own kind.
This is why God created us, as men and women accordingly. So we can procreate, fill the earth, and inherit every good thing that He has planned for us. Because He is so in love with us.
5. God created us because He wanted us
“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and where created.
Revelation 4:11
God created us because He wanted to. Not that He needed us. He wanted us. He desired us. It was His choice.
We are not a mistake. You are not a mistake. Whatever may be happening in your life, never doubt that God knows you and that he created you because He wanted you. Each time we ask ourselves Why did God create us?, remember God created us because He WANTED us.
He still wants you. He loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His only son to die on the cross so that we can have eternal life.
Never doubt your reason for being alive. God wanted you. You are not an accident.
God created us for a purpose in the world. A creator or an inventor would not just create something for. nothing right. It is always because there is a purpose that he wants you to serve.
So at time I know all hope may seem lost and there wont seem to be a way out but remember that God created you for a purpose, he loves you and he is your sustainer
6. To fear Him and obey His commandments
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Ecclesiastes 12:13
Why am I here? What is my purpose on earth? God specifically created you so that you could fear Him and obey His commandments. God desires that we all have the fear of God.
I have a 4 year old daughter. When she doesn’t listen to me I change my tone and she asks, ‘Mommy are you sad?’
Then i say, ‘Yes baby I am sad because you do not listen to me. Just listen to me and you will see how happy I will be.’
I sometimes even give her a snack when she does listen, to reward and encourage her good behaviour.
Imagine God. If us, earthly parents are so impressed when our children obey us what about God? The same way we get angry when we tell our kids not to touch that stove because they will be burnt. But they touch it anyway, because they are kids.
And when they touch it anyway, we are mad that they didn’t listen to us, and now they have hurt themselves.
It’s the same with God. He only wants us to obey Him. His intentions for us to obey Him are solely for our own good. Sin opens door to the devil and we give him a legal right to torment us. And he doesn’t want that for us.
8. God created us to take care of His creation
The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.
Genesis 2:15
God is Spirit. He lives in heaven.Even if He is omnipresent. But He trusted us. He created us so that we may take care of the earth. And all the animals, the plants. Everything He created ,He gave us dominion over.
To make sure everything stays as beautiful and perfect as He created it.
Imagine what an honour that is. For the creator of heaven and earth to entrust us with such an important job.
If we get overjoyed when our boss delegates more responsibilities to us at work how happy can this truth make you?
To know that God trusted YOU to take care of His earth. We ask ourselves all the time, Why did God create us? when we feel that there has to be more. But to simply make sure we don’t pollute the earth, we don’t make his creation extinct. Keeping the ecosystem well balanced by our activities is a good reason for why we were created.
9. To be a prophet to the nations
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5
Before God created us, He already knew us individually. He thought about us and already had a purpose for each and everyone of us.
When you feel discouraged and unworthy, always remember that God know us all by name. That even before we were born, He thought of us and had a purpose for us.
We may ask ourselves, Why did God create us? What is my purpose here on earth?
God has created us all for a purpose. The most universal purpose is to love God, to obey Him and to serve Him with all that we have. He also created us to spread his word to others. To have everyone know Him.
Because He is love He wants everyone to have life, and life eternally.
So we are all called to spread the good news.
Before creation God already knew what would happen. That the devil would rebel and that Adam and Eve would sin and that we would be sentenced to death.
So God, though His mercy and love had a plan. Even before time began, to send his Son Jesus to die on the cross so as to liberate us from sin and death.
No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is written. What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”the things God has prepared for those who love him
1 corinthians 2:7-8
And when He created us, He meant for us to go out and spread the good news of Salvation to everyone in the world who may not know of this plan yet.
So like Jesus’ final words, we must all
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
matthew 28:19-20
Let us always remember and walk in the divine purpose for which we where created.