Why is God keeping me single is a question that I bet most single ladies have asked themselves at some point. Especially after having been single for a while. Like I always say, God created us to thrive in community,…
Bible Verses About Decision Making You Should Know
Adulting means making continuous and endless decisions about basically everything in life. What to make for dinner, which schools to send the kids to, which job to take, which area to live in, and many more day-to-day decisions that must…
Who Am I in Christ Verses To Help Establish Your Identity
Who am I in Christ? What does the bible say about Who I am in Christ Jesus? How does God see me? How does Jesus think about me? For you to walk rightfully in the purpose for which you were…
10 Foolproof Christian Dating Advice Tips For Single Mothers
OK, so you have been single for a while (hopefully,- you can’t just rush from one relationship to another), and are ready to commit to being found and settling down with THE ONE that God has set aside for you!…
Encouraging Bible Verses About Relying On God
Bible verses about relying on God provide me a source of comfort during uncertainties. Many at times when things don’t always go my way and i feel a little overwhelmed, and i end up having some fear and doubt.. I…